主题句:I'm trying to make ends meet. 我努力使自己收支平衡。
Lane: I heard you were going to buy a new house. 听说你要买新房。
Jack: Yes, that's true. I'm going to sell my car. I'm trying to make ends meet. 是啊,为了买房我将卖掉自己的小车,以使收支平衡。
A: You know, I'm trying to save money to buy a car. I also have to support a family. So I'm busy trying to make ends meet. 你知道,我要攒钱买车,又要养家糊口,所以我正忙着收支平衡。
B: Same for me. I'm going to have a baby, so I do translation work as a part-time job. I'm trying to make ends meet too. 我也一样,也要养一个小孩,所以兼职做点翻译,以使收支平衡。
1、I have to rent a house. My child is going to have piano lessons and my salary is not enough. So, I'm trying to make ends meet. 我要租房、送孩子学钢琴,薪水不够支付,只好量入为出。
2、I'm trying to make ends meet. So I have to sell all my furniture. 我努力使收支平衡,不得不卖掉所有家私。
3、I'm trying to make ends meet. So I do typing work as a part-time job. 为了使收支平衡,我兼职作一份打字的工作。