主题句:To make a long story short. 长话短说
Kent: We haven't seen each other since we graduated from college. Tell me, what you have been doing all these years? 我们大学毕业后再没见过面,告诉我这些年你都做了些什么?
Jim: To make a long story short, I changed jobs 4 times, I got married, and I now have a lovely child. 长话短说,我换过4个工作,结了婚并有了一个可爱的孩子。
Lee: To make a long story short, we finally got married. 长话短说,我们最终结婚了。
Mike: That sounds good. 结局不错呀!
Lee: But we're going to get divorced because things just aren't working out. 但我们快要离婚了,因为我们关系不太好。
1. To make a long story short, Shenzhen foorball team won the game. 简而言之,深圳足球队赢得了最后的胜利。
2. To make a long story short. I finally left my hometown and now I'm stationed in HK. 长话短说,我最终离开了家乡,现在我定居香港。
3. To make a long story short, I'm already used to the food, culture, and life style in Shenzhen. 长话短说,我已经习惯了深圳的食物、文化及生活方式。