主题句:Look on the bright side. 乐观一点
DerekL: The stock market went down every day, I'm losinig money. 股市低迷,本人损失惨重。
Owen: Look on the bright side. There is still a chance that the market will go up. 乐观一点,股市天天都有升跌,会有机会的。
Helen: I'm really tired. I have a lot of work to do everyday. 我实在太累了,我每天都有大把事要做。
Eve: Look on the bright side. At least you have a job. 乐观一点,至少你还有一份工作。
Son: I don't want to go to school. I'm afraid of my teacher because I didn't finish my homework. 我不想去上学了。我怕老师批评,我的作业还没做完呢。
Mum: Look on the bright side, you have a lot of friends there. 乐观一点,学校还有你很多朋友嘛。
1. Look on the bright side. Although it might seem that people take advantage of you, you have a warm and kind heart. 看开一点,虽然人们似乎在利用你,但也说明你有一副热心肠。
2. Look on the bright side. Although things haven't gone as you would like, you have a very supportive family. 乐观一点,虽然你事业发展不尽人意,但你拥有一个很好的家庭。