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作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-1-7

  Session V:Clothes Make the Man(and Women)(人靠衣装)

  1. Dress to Kill = wear one's finest clothing



  The reception for the new Swedish ambassador at the Jennison's was quite lavish. Naturally,everybody was dressed to kill. Since it was a formal occasion,everyone was dressed in their finiest,most elegant clothes.

  2. Knock Someone's Socks Off = enthuse and excite



  A:Hi,John. What's new?

  B:Oh,nothing too much with me,but you ought to see Alfredo's new car. It'll knock your socks off!

  A:So,he finally got that Italian sports car he's been dreaming about.

  B:He sure did!When you see all the custom features that it has,you'll get so enthused and excited you won't know what to do!

  A:Boy,I can hardly wait to go for a ride in it!

  3. Lose One's Shirt = lose a great deal of money



  A:I happened to bump into Doug at lunch yesterday afternoon.

  B:What's new with Doug these days?

  A:He wasn't doing so well. For one thing, he told me he lost his shirt at the races.

  B:Doug has always liked to bet on the horses. I'm not surprised that he lost a great deal of money.

  A:Yeah. At this rate he'll never have a penny to his name!

  4. Wet Blanket = dull or boring person who spoils the happiness of others



  James was not invited to go on the outing with the rest of the group because he's such a web blanket. On many previous occasions he has kept others from enjoying themselves by his pessimism and lack of enthusiasm. It's understandable that no one wants him around.

  5. Dress to the Teeth = dressed elegantly



  A:Did you see Hilda at the party last night?

  B:Yes,I did. She was really dressed to the teeth!

  A:Well,she had on her finest,most elegant clothing because she was out to make a good impression on Bill.

课程名称 老师 课时 试听 报名 学费 有效期
大学英语四级精讲班 严邵阳 56 试听 报名 200元



四级425速成--听力 欧 文 8 试听 报名 80元
四级425速成--阅读 欧 文 14 试听 报名 90元
四级425速成--综合 欧 文 13 试听 报名 80元
四级425速成--写作 欧 文 16 试听 报名 90元
四级经典历年真题 欧 文 10 试听 报名 80元

课程名称 老师 课时 试听 报名 学费 有效期
大学英语六级听力 齐方炜 7 试听 报名 100元



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大学英语六级写作 欧 文 14 试听 报名 100元
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