Michael今天和李华约好了去纽约中国城吃饭。李华刚刚到Michael的住处。他们在对话中会用到hang out和hard headed这两个常用语。
M: I'm #ing. Hey, #e on in for a minute and sit down.
M: I'm not ready yet. Just hang out for a minute.
M: No, no, no!! Just wait for a few minutes.
M: No, you don't understand. Hang out means to pass time while you're waiting.
L:噢,hang out是等一会儿的意思?
M: Yes, but it can also mean to spend time with your friends. For example, you and I hang out a lot.
L:跟朋友一起玩也能说是hang out,对,我们是经常在一起活动。
M: Ok. So hang out while I go get ready.
M: Ha, ha. Ok, I 'm ready.
M: Let's go to Good Fortune. Do you mind if some of my other friends hang out with us?
M: I'm not lost. I think I know where we are.
M: Are you calling me hard headed?
M: Hard headed does mean stubbon, they have the same meaning. It's an expression people use sometimes.
L:我说呢,我刚才还真不懂什么头硬不硬。原来hard headed就是顽固。有人用hard headed这个说法?我怎么没听说过?不过,你要是问了路我就不会说你顽固了。美国男人呐,都一样,都很顽固。他们硬着头皮,就是不肯问路。
M: I know where we are. We're really close to the restaurant.
L:你还不认为你迷路,你知道离新世界饭馆很近了。好吧,那我就听你的吧。 对了,Michael,我跟我弟弟说什么他都不听,非常顽固,我能说是hard headed吗?
M: Yeah, I remember meeting him, he is certainly hard headed.
L:对,你见过他。上回在公园里,他非要去跟一个不认识的女孩搭讪,我们叫他不要去,他不听,结果给人瞪了一眼,落个没趣。这真可以说是hard headed吧?
M: Sure. But remember, hard headed is only an adjetive to describe people.
L:噢,hard headed只能形容人呀?我看,用hard headed来形容你是再合适不过了。走了那么多路,饭馆在哪里呐?
M: I think it's just down this block.
L:你还认为在这条街上。Michael,你就在这儿等等吧,我去问路。你啊,真是hard headed,顽固不化。
今天Michael和李华在谈话中用了两个常用语,一个是:hang out,意思是等一等,或跟朋友一起玩;另一个常用语是:hard headed,意思是:顽固,固执。