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作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-11-13
  eg:Weather she will #e or not is unknown.(主语从句)
  It is unknown weather he will #e or not.(主语从句)
  I don't know weather he will #e or not.(宾语从句)
  The question is weather he will #e or not.(表语从句)
  The question weather he will #e or not is not settled.(同位语从句)
  例:09年6月真题 __________(很多人没有意识到的)is that Simon is a lover of sports , and football in particular .
  what many people didn't realize
  It was very dark, but Mary seemed to (本能地知道该走哪条路) .
  know which way to take by instinct 宾语从句
  In my sixties, one change I notice is that _________________ (我比以前更容易累了).
  I feel/get tired more easily than before
  Global warming may or may not be the great environmental crisis of the 21st century, but- regardless of whether it is or isn't - we won't do much about it.
  例: Because they usually receive the same score on standard examinations. There is ofen disagreement at who is the better student, Bob or Hellen?
  Your resume should attract a would-be boss's attention by demonstrating _____ (为什么你是某个特定职位的最佳人选). 宾语从句
  why you would be the best candidate for a certain position.
  例: Since my childhood I have found that ________ (没有什么比读书对我更有吸引力). nothing is more attractive/appealing to me than reading

课程名称 老师 课时 试听 报名 学费 有效期
大学英语四级精讲班 严邵阳 56 试听 报名 200元



四级425速成--听力 欧 文 8 试听 报名 80元
四级425速成--阅读 欧 文 14 试听 报名 90元
四级425速成--综合 欧 文 13 试听 报名 80元
四级425速成--写作 欧 文 16 试听 报名 90元
四级经典历年真题 欧 文 10 试听 报名 80元

课程名称 老师 课时 试听 报名 学费 有效期
大学英语六级听力 齐方炜 7 试听 报名 100元



大学英语六级阅读 齐方炜 7 试听 报名 100元
大学英语六级写作 欧 文 14 试听 报名 100元
大学英语六级新题型 欧 文 15 试听 报名 100元
大学英语六级词汇 欧 文 15 试听 报名 100元
大学英语六级模拟题 欧 文 5(赠) 报名 50元

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