作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-2-23
Feather: I spent a lot of my childhood at their shows. My dad was a Merry Prankster before that. Jun: So how did you end up here? Feather: All of us are seekers, walking our own paths to enlightenment. Jun: But how did you find this little enclave? How did this all start? Feather: It was after Jerry died, actually. We all came here to paradise, looking to create our own slice of heaven. Jun: I guess you've found it. The weather is perfect, and you've got all the fruit and fish you could possibly want. 羽毛:我许多童年时光都花在看他们的表演上。我老爸之前是个梅利普斯特。 小君:那你最后怎么会在这? 羽毛:我们所有人都是追寻者,走往启蒙之路。 小君:你是怎么发现这个小部落的?一切是如何开始的? 羽毛:其实一切始于杰瑞死后。我们全部人来到这个乐园,希望能创造一小片属于自己的天堂。 小君:我猜你们已经找到了。气候宜人,还有取之不尽的水果及鱼类。 重点解说 Merry Prankster (n.) 美国的一位冒险家,他曾于六○年代开着巴士(车身标志着终点站:Further)遍访全美的公路 end up (v.) 结束 seeker (n.) 寻找(启发)者,追求(生命意义)者 enlightenment (n.) 启蒙 enclave (n.) (在其它范围中的)文化圈,在大族群中孤立的小族群