作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-2-23
They catch up to the truck Paul: [Out of breath] Whew. That was close. You almost got away. Driver: Well you should try an ice-cream sandwich. It'll help you catch your breath. Paul: I'll have a Klondike bar. Driver: You get a free Choco Taco with that. Paul: Cool. I haven't seen an ice cream truck in ages. Driver: We're a rare breed these days. 他们赶上冰淇淋车 保罗:(喘不过气来)呼。好险。你差点就走掉了。 司机:那你该来个冰淇淋三明治。会帮你顺过气来。 保罗:我来吃个冰淇淋夹心的巧克力饼干吧。 司机:再免费送你一个巧克力冰淇淋塔可饼。 保罗:赞。我好几年没看到冰淇淋车了。 司机:我们现在是少数动物了。 重点解说 catch up to 追上,后接名词或Ving out of breath 喘不过气,上气不接下气 That was close. 好险。表示差点就要发生某件事 catch someone's breath 某人不再觉得喘,顺过气来 Klondike bar Klondike原为加拿大育空河的一条支流,Klondike bar则为美国着名冰淇淋点心品牌,在大片方形巧克力饼干中间夹一层很厚的冰淇淋。Choco Taco也是美国冰淇淋点心品牌,在墨西哥玉米薄饼夹冰淇淋及巧克力 in ages 好久,好多年 rare breed 稀有物种