作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-4-15
1、目前食品安全问题愈发严重 2、产生食品安全问题的原因 3、应该怎么解决
食品安全问题严重的原因: 很多食品生产商以牺牲消费者的健康和安全来获取暴利 Many food producers/manufacturers rake in excessive profits at the expense of customers' health and safety. 对那些不法生产商缺少严格的监管和严厉的惩罚加剧了这种趋势 the absence of strict supervision and severe punishment on those illegal producers prompt the trend.
解决的措施: 政府应该加强对产品生产流程的监管 Relevant administration department should strengthen the supervision over the food manufacturing process. 惩罚那些生产不安全食品的人 Laws and regulations should be made and implemented to impose a heavy penalty on those who produce unsafe food.