1. They understand their personal brand.
A great candidate believes that they are a brand. You should know what makes you unique and why you are the best candidate for the job. Having a strong personal brand means that you are clear on the value that you add to a #pany and portray your unique selling proposition (USP) in every way.
2. They research the #pany.
Research is key when it #es to doing well in an interview. Be sure to know enough about the #pany you are interviewing for, so that you can both answer and ask specific questions. You should know the #pany's CEO, #petitors, and any current newsworthy topics.
3. They exude confidence.
There's nothing like showing up to an interview with confidence. In addition to looking at your skills, an interviewer is also checking to see if your personality would be a good fit for the role. If you're not #fortable talking about yourself, how will you be confident trying to relay information to others? When you are confident, you also let the interviewer in on how you handle stressful situations, since interviewing for a job isn't easy.
4. They tell good stories related to past experiences.
The key to capturing your listener's attention is through great story telling. Use relevant stories and metaphors to talk about your past experiences. A great story will relay your strengths to the interviewer and show how you solved a problem. Make sure it's focused, concise, and demonstrates examples of why you would be great for the role.
5. They observe the interviewer's body language.
A strong interviewer is a master #municator. They are not only good at expressing their ideas and asking the right questions, but they also take cues well. Be mindful of the interviewer's body language as they ask questions. If they seem to lose interest in your answer, maybe you need to get to the point quicker. Observing the interviewer's body language is a great way to gauge how you're doing, which will enable you to make tweaks based on their #munication style.