- 培训学校
- 东莞商务英语培训学校
- 优惠价格
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- 开班时间
- 常年滚动开班
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- 东莞
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- 东莞市东城区
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- 关键词语
- 英语培训 外语培训 CIMA英语培训
★Fully qualified and experience foreign and native teachers 一流的师资力量 We take pride in employing only highly qualified and experienced foreign and native-speaking english teaching staff. Local teachers are experienced and have been trained in western teaching methods. 中心在筛选教师方面有一套严格的审核标准,所有教师必须具备以下条件:外籍教师:●以纯正标准的英语为母语 ●英语语言教学资质与教育文凭 ●丰富的商务教学经验 ●西方社会文化生活与工作背景本土教师:●具有丰富的教学经验 ●接受严格的西方教学方法的培训、考核与认定
1. CIMA Certificate in Business 财务英语
CIMA - The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants - is a leading membership body that offers an internationally recognised professional qualification in management accounting.CIMA has 1.7 thousand members from 170 countries in the world.CIMA’s members and students are all over the world from small enterprises to transnational groups .CIMA focuses on accounting for business which covers many industries and trades. The commercial relevance of CIMA’S syllabus is regularly updated to reflect the latest business developments.
CIMA 英国特许管理会计师公会是全球最大的国际性管理会计师,拥有来自全球170多个国家的17万名会员, 从中小企业到跨国集团,CIMA的会员和学员遍布全球的各个角落。CIMA是企业成本会计课程,其培训涉及工业、商业领域,和其它各个行业和部门。CIMA提供的课程同步模拟顶尖企业的商业活动,并不断更新发展以反映全球商业的最新发展动向。
the CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting includes the following subjects:
Fundamentals of Business Mathematics 商务数学基本原理
Fundamentals of Management Accounting 管理会计基本原理
Fundamentals of Financial Accounting 财务会计基本原理
Fundamentals of Business Economics 商务经济学基本原理
Fundamentals of ethics, Corporate Governance and Business Law道德规范,企业管理和商务法律基本原理
The GET Training Centre is a CIMA learning centre .To assist students the GET Centre provides a CIMA preparation English course for students needing to improve their level of English to undertake the course.
协晖外语培训是CIMA 的一个学习中心,中心开设CIMA预备级英语课程,帮助学员提高英语水平,为参加商务会计课程打下坚实基础。
Specialised English Courses
We offer specialised English courses for particular industries and professions. These include:
• Legal English 法律英语
• English for hospitality and tourism 酒店、旅行英语
• Finance English 财务英语
• English for the building and design industry 建筑设计英语
• English for the manufacturing industry 制造业英语